


🔘 IN GR TR AL OF CO xxxxx2️⃣ 0️⃣ 3️⃣ 4️⃣ 5️⃣ 6️⃣ 7️⃣ 8️⃣ xxxxx AN RP IV alia

0638b ← → 0640

0639 AN Ab ipso pueritiaeModus 1


1INC Clv + clv_cop
1MED triv 2acc
1TER de3 + FML PeCl ad „do“: colon

2INC asc
FML alloq+ ~Vrg mut
1MED triv 1acc + ~Vrg mut
1TER de3

● Von der Zeit seiner Kindheit an trug er das Herz eines Erwachsenen an sich,
durchschritt seine Zeit gesittet, und gab seinen Sinn keinem Genuss hin.

● From the time he was a child, he had the heart of an adult,
walked through his time with composure, and gave his mind to no pleasure.

1INC Clv + clv_cop\
1MED triv 2acc
1TER de3 + FML PeCl ad „do“: colon

2INC asc
FML alloq+ ~Vrg mut
1MED triv 1acc + ~Vrg mut
1TER de3

Translated with (free version)——-

an_indiv/0639.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/08/06 00:42 von

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