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an_indiv:1234 [2024/06/08 06:25] xaverkainzbaueran_indiv:1234 [2024/11/25 19:58] (aktuell) xaverkainzbauer
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-[[cento:centologia#centones_antiphonarum|🔘]]  [[grad:0002|IN]] [[grad:0176|GR]] [[grad:0456|TR]] [[grad:0324|AL]] [[grad:0482|OF]] [[grad:0615|CO]] +[[cento:centologia#centones_antiphonarum|🔘]]  [[grad:0006|IN]] [[grad:0168|GR]] [[grad:0465|TR]] [[grad:0290|AL]] [[grad:0494|OF]] [[grad:0610|CO]] 
 <fc #ffffff>xxxxx</fc>  <fc #ffffff>xxxxx</fc> 
-[[0001|1️⃣]] [[0019|2️⃣]] [[0008|0️⃣]]   ✅ [[0034|4️⃣]] [[0113|5️⃣]] [[0158|6️⃣]] [[0007|7️⃣]] [[0004|8️⃣]]+[[0001|1️⃣]] [[0019|2️⃣]] [[0008|0️⃣]] ✅ [[0113|4️⃣]] [[0006|5️⃣]] [[0158|6️⃣]] [[0007|7️⃣]] [[0004|8️⃣]] 
 <fc #ffffff>xxxxx</fc>  <fc #ffffff>xxxxx</fc> 
-**<fc #BD0C11>AN</fc>** [[ant:7001|RP]] [[ant:9815|IV]]  [[alia:alia|alia]]+**<fc #BD0C11>AN</fc>** [[ant:7012|RP]] [[ant:9831|IV]]  [[alia:alia|alia]]
 ------------------ ------------------
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
 {%syn:title:ant:1234%} {%syn:title:ant:1234%}
 +[[1213]] ⟽ **[[cento_an:3typ|AN 3]]** ⟾ [[1257]]
 ------- -------
 ● Der heilige Bischof, \\ ● Der heilige Bischof, \\
 da er Aurelian durch seine Erwiderung standhaft verwirrt hatte, \\ da er Aurelian durch seine Erwiderung standhaft verwirrt hatte, \\
Zeile 23: Zeile 25:
 having steadfastly confounded Aurelian by his retort, \\ having steadfastly confounded Aurelian by his retort, \\
 was ordered to be lifted onto the torture horse, \\ was ordered to be lifted onto the torture horse, \\
and tortured with nails and torches. Hallelujah.+
and tortured with nails and torches. Hallelujah.\\
 ------- -------
an_indiv/1234.1717820752.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/06/08 08:25 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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