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an_indiv:0656 [2024/05/29 12:43] xaverkainzbaueran_indiv:0656 [2024/11/22 13:15] (aktuell) xaverkainzbauer
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
-[[cento:centologia#centones_antiphonarum|🔘]]  [[grad:0002|IN]] [[grad:0176|GR]] [[grad:0456|TR]] [[grad:0324|AL]] [[grad:0482|OF]] [[grad:0615|CO]] +[[cento:centologia#centones_antiphonarum|🔘]]  [[grad:0011|IN]] [[grad:0165|GR]] [[grad:0465|TR]] [[grad:0323|AL]] [[grad:0479|OF]] [[grad:0613|CO]] 
 <fc #ffffff>xxxxx</fc>  <fc #ffffff>xxxxx</fc> 
-[[0001|1️⃣]] ✅ [[0008|0️⃣]] [[0034|3️⃣]] [[0113|4️⃣]] [[0006|5️⃣]] [[0158|6️⃣]] [[0007|7️⃣]]  [[0004|8️⃣]]+[[0001|1️⃣]] ✅ [[0008|0️⃣]] [[0034|3️⃣]] [[0113|4️⃣]] [[0006|5️⃣]] [[0158|6️⃣]] [[0007|7️⃣]] [[0004|8️⃣]] 
 <fc #ffffff>xxxxx</fc>  <fc #ffffff>xxxxx</fc> 
-**<fc #BD0C11>AN</fc>** [[ant:7001|RP]] [[ant:9815|IV]]  [[alia:alia|alia]]+**<fc #BD0C11>AN</fc>** [[ant:7002|RP]] [[ant:9862|IV]]  [[alia:alia|alia]]
 ------------------ ------------------
-[[0018]] ← → [[0020]]+[[0655]] ← → [[0657]]
 {%syn:title:ant:0656%} {%syn:title:ant:0656%}
 +[[0650]] ⟽ **[[cento_an:2typ|AN 2]]** ⟾ [[0707]]
 +[[ant:0656|⏹️]]  [[rp_hmr:0656|🔄]]
 ------- -------
 ● Heute ist der heilige Benedikt auf dem Weg Richtung Osten, -\\ ● Heute ist der heilige Benedikt auf dem Weg Richtung Osten, -\\
 wie seine Schüler sahen, zum Himmel geeilt. - wie seine Schüler sahen, zum Himmel geeilt. -
Zeile 22: Zeile 25:
 as his disciples saw, hastened to heaven. - as his disciples saw, hastened to heaven. -
 Today he breathed his last with uplifted hands, with words of prayer. -\\ Today he breathed his last with uplifted hands, with words of prayer. -\\
-Today he was taken up by the angels in glory.+Today he was taken up by the angels in glory.\\  
an_indiv/0656.1716979399.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/05/29 14:43 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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