[[cento:centologia#centones_responsoriorum|🔘]] [[grad:0011|IN]] [[grad:0165|GR]] [[grad:0458|TR]] [[grad:0323|AL]] [[grad:0479|OF]] [[grad:0613|CO]] xxxxx [[7009|1️⃣]] ✅ [[7012|3️⃣]] [[7016|4️⃣]] [[7042|5️⃣]] [[7006|6️⃣]] [[7013|7️⃣]] [[7001|8️⃣]] xxxxx [[ant:0019|AN]] **RP** [[ant:9862|IV]] [[alia:alia|alia]] ------------------ {%syn:title:ant:7660%} [[7649]] ⟽ **[[cento_rp:rp2_t|RP 2]]** ⟾ [[7669]] [[ant:7660|⏹️]] === 1.Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2a#a|A]]**\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2o#b|B]]**\\ === 2.Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2c#c|C]]**\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2d#d|D]]**\\ === 3.Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2e#e|E]]**\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2o#f|F]]**\\ ------- ● Heiliger Bekenner Gottes Othmar, 
von Alters wegen noch ein Jüngling, 
schöpfte von der ganzen Einstellung seines Denkens her aus dem Trank gnadenbringender Weisheit.\\ 
V. Für das Heil der Menschen vom Himmel her bestimmt und durch sein Beispiel bald danach bezeugt - Von der ganzen. ● The holy confessor of God Othmar, still a young man because of his age, drew from the potion of grace-bringing wisdom \\ from the whole attitude of his thinking.\\\ 
V. Destined from heaven for the salvation of men and testified to by his example soon afterwards - From the whole.