[[cento:centologia#centones_responsoriorum|🔘]] [[grad:0011|IN]] [[grad:0165|GR]] [[grad:0458|TR]] [[grad:0323|AL]] [[grad:0479|OF]] [[grad:0613|CO]] xxxxx [[7009|1️⃣]] ✅ [[7012|3️⃣]] [[7016|4️⃣]] [[7042|5️⃣]] [[7006|6️⃣]] [[7013|7️⃣]] [[7001|8️⃣]] xxxxx [[ant:0019|AN]] **RP** [[ant:9862|IV]] [[alia:alia|alia]] ------------------ {%syn:title:ant:7602%} [[7597]] ⟽ **[[cento_rp:rp2_t|RP 2]]** ⟾ [[7607]] [[ant:7602|⏹️]] === 1. Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2a#nt|A]]** non typos\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2o#mg_if|B]]** accentus incipiens et finalis.\\ === 2. Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2c#f2|C]]** accentus finalis, PO.\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2d#p|D]]** pentasyllabica.\\ === 3. Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2e#if|E]]** accentus incipiens et finalis.\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2o#mk|F]]** cadentia mikro, accentus incipiens et finalis. incipiens cum [[formulae:circulatio]].\\ ------- ● Was im Herz der Menschen ist, schauen deine Augen, Herr;\\ und in deinem Buch wird alles aufgeschrieben.\\ Der Mensch sieht mit seinem Gesicht, Gott aber im Herzen.
\\ V. Deine Augen sahen mich schon als Ungeformten [Keim]* 
und in dein Buch war schon alles geschrieben. - 
Der Mensch.
 ● What is in the heart of man, your eyes see, Lord;\\ and in your book everything is written down. Man sees with his face, but God sees in his heart.
\\ V. Your eyes saw me already as an unformed [germ]* and in your book everything was already written. - The human being.