[[cento:centologia#centones_responsoriorum|🔘]] [[grad:0011|IN]] [[grad:0165|GR]] [[grad:0458|TR]] [[grad:0323|AL]] [[grad:0479|OF]] [[grad:0613|CO]] xxxxx [[7009|1️⃣]] ✅ [[7012|3️⃣]] [[7016|4️⃣]] [[7042|5️⃣]] [[7006|6️⃣]] [[7013|7️⃣]] [[7001|8️⃣]] xxxxx [[ant:0019|AN]] **RP** [[ant:9862|IV]] [[alia:alia|alia]] ------------------ {%syn:title:ant:7232%} [[7227]] ⟽ **[[cento_rp:rp2_t|RP 2]]** ⟾ [[7269]] [[ant:7232|⏹️]] === 1. Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2a#if|A]]** incipit solo.\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2o#nt|B]]** non typos.\\ === 2. Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2c#f2|C]]** accentus finalios, incipit [[formulae:alloq|FML alloquium]], PO.\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2d#f|D]]** accentus finalis.\\ === 3. Periode === **[[cento_rp:cent_2e#if|E]]** accentus incipiens et finalis,\\ restitutus ex [[ant:7511]] "et ipse erit", [[ant:7037]] "et non delebo".\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2c#f2|C]]** accentus finalis, incipit [[formulae:alloq|FML alloquium]], PPO\\ **[[cento_rp:cent_2o#nt|F]]** non typos, didym; [[ant:7475]], [[ant:7511]].\\ ------ ● Der Herr, der dich erwählt hat, \\ 
er selbst hat dich mit der Krone der Gerechtigkeit gekrönt.\\ Der Weg des Herrn nämlich war der richtige vor dir.
\\ V. Der Weg der Gerechten wurde begradigt* 
und der Lauf der Heiligen vorbereitet. - Der Weg. ● The Lord who has chosen you \\ 
He himself has crowned you with the crown of righteousness.\\ For the way of the Lord was right before you.
\\ V. The path of the righteous has been made straight* and the course of the saints prepared. - The way.