[[cento:centologia#centones_antiphonarum|🔘]] [[grad:0002|IN]] [[grad:0176|GR]] [[grad:0456|TR]] [[grad:0324|AL]] [[grad:0482|OF]] [[grad:0615|CO]]
[[0001|1️⃣]] [[0019|2️⃣]] [[0008|0️⃣]] [[0034|3️⃣]] [[0113|4️⃣]] [[0006|5️⃣]] [[0158|6️⃣]] [[0007|7️⃣]] ✅
**AN** [[ant:7001|RP]] [[ant:9815|IV]] [[alia:alia|alia]]
[[1448]] ← → [[1450]]
[[1447]] ⟽ **[[cento_an:8typ|AN 8]]** ⟾ [[1462]]
[[ant:1449|⏹️]] [[rp_hmr:1449|🔄]]
● Den heutigen Geburtstag der immerwährenden Jungfrau, \\
der Gottes Gebärerin Maria, lasst und festlich feiern, \\
an dem sie es zur Höhe des Thrones brachte. Halleluja.
● Let us celebrate today's birthday of the perpetual Virgin, \\
the God-bearer Mary, let us celebrate it festively, \\
on which she ascended to the throne. Hallelujah.\\