[[cento:centologia#centones_antiphonarum|🔘]] [[grad:0017|IN]] [[grad:0174|GR]] [[grad:0465|TR]] [[grad:0325|AL]] [[grad:0480|OF]] [[grad:0603|CO]] xxxxx ✅ [[0019|2️⃣]] [[0008|0️⃣]] [[0034|3️⃣]] [[0113|4️⃣]] [[0006|5️⃣]] [[0158|6️⃣]] [[0007|7️⃣]] [[0004|8️⃣]] xxxxx **AN** [[ant:7009|RP]] [[ant:9862|IV]] [[alia:alia|alia]] ------------------ [[1410]] ← → [[1413]] {%syn:title:ant:1411%} [[1410]] ⟽ **[[cento_an:1typ|AN 1]]** ⟾ [[1416]] [[ant:1411|⏹️]] [[rp_hmr:1411|🔄]] ------- **[[cento_an:1inc_5pes#3|1INC 5Pes]]** \\ **[[cento_an:1ter_de5#4|1TER de5]]** + [[formulae:supra#3|FML supra]]. \\ **[[cento_an:2inc_ad3#1|2INC ad3]]** + [[formulae:digit|FML digit]]\\ **[[cento_an:1med_triv#1acc2|1MED triv]]** 1acc\\ [[neumen:neuma#trcACC|TrcACC]] "ascén-**dit**"\\ **[[cento_an:1med_triv#2acc\1|1MED triv]]** cad ad "re": [[formulae:colon]]\\ [[formulae:supra#4|FML supra]]\\ **[[cento_an:1ter_vadd#4|1TER v.add]]** \\ Nach einer Überschrift in Frageform, 1. Periode, folgt die vierfache Aufzählung 'ihrer' Attribute. ------- ● Wer ist diese, die aufsteigt wie die Morgenröte: \\ Schön wie der Mond, einzig wie die Sonne,
 \\ überwältigend wie ein Zunami. 
(furchtgebietend wie die geordneten Spitzen von Heerlagern!) ● Who is this one who rises like the dawn? \\ Beautiful as the moon, unique as the sun, \\ overwhelming like a zunami. 
(fearsome like the orderly peaks of army camps!)\\ ------- **[[cento_an:1inc_5pes#3|1INC 5Pes]]** \\ **[[cento_an:1ter_de5#4|1TER de5]]** + [[formulae:supra#3|FML supra]]. \\ **[[cento_an:2inc_ad3#1|2INC ad3]]** + [[formulae:digit|FML digit]]\\ **[[cento_an:1med_triv#1acc2|1MED triv]]** 1acc\\ [[neumen:neuma#trcACC|TrcACC]] "ascén-**dit**"\\ **[[cento_an:1med_triv#2acc\1|1MED triv]]** cad ad "re": [[formulae:colon]]\\ [[formulae:supra#4|FML supra]]\\ **[[cento_an:1ter_vadd#4|1TER v.add]]** \\ After a heading in question form, 1st period, follows the fourfold enumeration of 'her' attributes. ------- {%syn:analyse:ant:1411%}