[[cento:centologia#centones_antiphonarum|🔘]] [[grad:0017|IN]] [[grad:0174|GR]] [[grad:0465|TR]] [[grad:0325|AL]] [[grad:0480|OF]] [[grad:0603|CO]]
✅ [[0019|2️⃣]] [[0008|0️⃣]] [[0034|3️⃣]] [[0113|4️⃣]] [[0006|5️⃣]] [[0158|6️⃣]] [[0007|7️⃣]] [[0004|8️⃣]]
**AN** [[ant:7009|RP]] [[ant:9862|IV]] [[alia:alia|alia]]
[[1319]] ← → [[1321]]
[[1314]] ⟽ **[[cento_an:1typ|AN 1]]** ⟾ [[1327]]
**[[cento_an:1inc_clv#1|1INC Clv]]** \\
**[[cento_an:1med_typ#1|1MED typ]]** PO\\
[[neumen:oriscus:oriscus#virga_strata|Virga strata]] kündigt die Kadenzformel des Cento an, ohne Wiederholung des "la" .\\
**[[cento_an:1nov_typ#1|1NOV typ]]** nkPes "fa-sol". [[formulae:colon]] \\
**[[cento_an:1ter_penult#2|1TER penult]]**.
● Johannes wird er genannt, \\
und über seine Geburt freuen sich viele.
● He is called John, \\
and many rejoice at his birth.\\
**[[cento_an:1inc_clv#1|1INC Clv]]** \\
**[[cento_an:1med_typ#1|1MED typ]]** PO\\
[[neumen:oriscus:oriscus#virga_strata|Virga strata]] announces the cadential formula of cento, without repeating the "la" .\\
**[[cento_an:1nov_typ#1|1NOV typ]]** nkPes "fa-sol". [[formulae:colon]] \\
**[[cento_an:1ter_penult#2|1TER penult]]**.